Public Enterprises - MFSGM
The Department of Public Enterprises, is an Institution Established to Position Namibia’s Key State- Owned Enterprises to play their Meaningful role in the Country’s Development. The Department will also Ensure that State-Owned Enterprises are Placed in a Position Where they are Well-Managed and not Presenting a Financial Burden to the State. The Department has Introduced Generally Accepted Common Principles of Corporate Governance. It Streamlined the Legal Framework, Reviewed Guidelines and Established Common Policy Frameworks and Directives.
All of these above have to be Designed to Translate PEs into Effective and Efficient Agents for the Implementation of the National Development Plans which are Essential to the Achievement of Vision 2030. The Department Would like to Strive for Adequate Capitalization of PEs for them to Meaningfully Fulfil their Role. The Department of Public Enterprises is also Tasked to Enhance the Skills and Knowledge of those who are at the Helm of Fulfilling the Policy and Administrative Responsibilities of PEs as well as those that are Ensuring Accountability and a Sense of Achievement/Accomplishment
Department of Public Enterprises
6th Floor, Fiscus Building, Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises
John Meinert Street
Ms. Louise Shixwameni
Deputy Executive Director
Tel: +264-61- 2023661
Director: Legal Advice
Mr. Tjiuee Kaura
Director: Governance and Financial Advice
Tel: +264-61-2023621
Public Enterprises Tool Kit
Integrated Strategic Business Plan Guideline
PE-FMS Portal
Board Directors Liability Insurance
Classification of Public Enterprises
MPE Budget Motivation 2020
PEGA 2019 - GRN Gazette
PEGA Categorization 2018 Schedule1 - 22 1 2020 - PRO Version
Public Enterprises Governance Act, 2019 (Act. No.1 of 2019)
Annexure A: Business and Financial Planning, Annual reporting & Budgeting final
Directive 1/2016 Communication Lines
Directive 2/2016 Private Email Address for Official Communication
Directive 3/2016 Suspension of CEO, MD and Senior Management
Directive 4: All Public Enterprises to Align the Increase of Remuneration in line with Inflation(8 April 2018)
Directive 5/2016 Co-operation Agreement with forthright countries