Maximize Return on Government Assets and Minimize the Cost of Public Debt.
To ensure Government Assets are well managed. To Finance Governments Budget Deficits by Raising Funds on the National and International Financial markets.
Main operations
To ensure sound Asset Management and Control through out Namibia.Co-ordinate domestic and foreign loans. Manage guidelines on issuing of Government guarantees and minimize the cost. To ensure sound Asset Management and Control through Namibia as well as to co-ordinate domestic and foreign loans, manage guidelines on the issuing of Government guarantees and minimizing cost. The Asset, Cash & Debt Management (ACDM) Directorate within the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprise (MFPE) is responsible for the Management of Government Assets and Debt stock. Effective management of National Assets and the Debt stock is critical to ensure that Government is not exposed to excessive fiscal risks. The Directorate has two divisions, namely (a) Cash and Debt Management; and (b) Asset Management. The Cash and Debt Management division has a responsibility " to structure Government domestic and foreign borrowing; negotiations of terms and conditions for financing and on-lending agreements; assessment of Government guarantee applications and minimize the long-term cost of Government borrowing, consistent with an acceptable degree of risk".
This Division comprises of four sub-divisions, namely;
- Domestic Debt
- Foreign Debt
- Parastatal Control
- Government Guarantees.
The Divisional structure provides only for a total 12 posts. The Division of Asset Management is entrusted with a responsibility "to manage and maintain a strict and effective control of all moveable and immoveable State properties country wide as well as on those in foreign missions". It is composed of three main sub-divisions with a total staff compliment of 23. Following are the three sub-divisions.
(a) System Development
(b) Stock Control and Inspection; and
(c) Training.